Chicken, dinner"!
Lay down your wager,
Like a Vegas player!

Betcha Rob Ford
Will be
Toronto's next mayor!
Like Ali G
Would say
"Da meedja"
Don't need ya
To see
The big man schemed ya
They made it all about crack
Because he wasn't black
Chief Blair opened his trap
Helped Mayor Ford beat the wrap
It would've biased the case
The Province lost face
A damn disgrace
For Toronto The Chaste
In Ontario
The Public's purse
Always gets snatched
By political schemes
That get hatched
Like gas plants
That get scratched
We have to stand firm
No more than one term,
Can a politician earn!
Only minority governments.
Let the system burn!
When will you learn?
A political party forms a government
Here's the difference,
A political party's like a maggot
And a government like a worm
Government was invented for the people
Political Party's use government for evil,
Like making promises that are feeble,
Lack of transparency should be illegal.
Lay down your wager,
Like a Vegas player!

Betcha Rob Ford
Will be
Toronto's next mayor!
Like Ali G
Would say
"Da meedja"
Don't need ya
To see
The big man schemed ya

Because he wasn't black
Chief Blair opened his trap
Helped Mayor Ford beat the wrap
It would've biased the case
The Province lost face
A damn disgrace
For Toronto The Chaste
In Ontario
The Public's purse
Always gets snatched
By political schemes
That get hatched
Like gas plants
That get scratched
We have to stand firm
No more than one term,
Can a politician earn!
Only minority governments.
Let the system burn!
A political party forms a government
Here's the difference,

A political party's like a maggot
And a government like a worm
Government was invented for the people
Political Party's use government for evil,
Like making promises that are feeble,
Lack of transparency should be illegal.