Sunday, April 6, 2014

Political Fortunes Grow In Ontario

"Winner Winner
Chicken, dinner"!
Lay down your wager,
Like a Vegas player!

Betcha Rob Ford
Will be
Toronto's next mayor!

Like Ali G
Would say
"Da meedja"
Don't need ya
To see
The big man schemed ya

They made it all about crack
Because he wasn't black
Chief Blair opened his trap
Helped Mayor Ford beat the wrap              
It would've biased the case
The Province lost face
A damn disgrace
For Toronto The Chaste              

In Ontario
The Public's purse
Always gets snatched
By political schemes             
That get hatched
Like gas plants
That get scratched

We have to stand firm                                  
No more than one term,
Can a politician earn!
Only minority governments.
Let the system burn!

When will you learn?
A political party forms a government
Here's the difference,
A political party's like a maggot
And a government like a worm

Government was invented for the people
Political Party's use       government for evil,
Like making promises that are feeble,
Lack of transparency should be illegal.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mental Illness: The Case of Kelly Thomas

Kelly Thomas prior to being homeless                         After Police Beating

In this Neoliberal New World Order,
Mental illness is stopped at the border.
Interrogated, jailed and criminalized,                        
Excoriated by evil police eyes.

Like in the murder of Kelly Thomas,
By Fullerton cops Cicinelli and Ramos.
Meting out their state sanctioned bounty,
Then stacking the jury in Orange County.

Ironically police and military suffer most,
Don't abandon your station, or your post!
Attitudes of no mercy by hardened brass,
Aquitted Police Officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli
Using media spin to save face and ass!

In this incorporated social model,
Mental illness is scorned something awful.
If you're sick they'll assume you're no good,
Society's attitude killed the dead in Fort Hood!

Media uses language to frighten the reader,
Homeless, assailant, attacker, beleaguer.
Media profit out weighs moral obligation,
Breaking News is an ethical violation!

Government is a huge part of the problem,
Mental illness, like the stereotypical Harlem,
Is given short shrift and discussed in hushed tone,
There's no leftover money for the mentally ill prone!

Will the cowardly US Justice Department,
Dole out punishment sure footed and ardent,
And lock up thugs like Cicinelli and Ramos?
Look at what they did to Kelly Thomas!

Mental illness was Kelly's only crime,
Look online, they beat his head into slime!
The defense painted him as criminal and drug crazed,
Now how would you react if your head was being tazed?
A homeless Kelly Thomas
United States Attorney General
Eric Holder

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Indelible Stain Of A Life Cut Short

Fighting out of the red corrrrner
At an undisclosed weight
we have...
Canada's vicarious Vets!
Fighting out of the blue corner,
Julian Fantino's a no show, yet!

Hollywood made pop-war sexy,
Not - big pop, like Coca-cola or Pepsi;
Pop, as in popular!
Like the German made Steiner binocular!

Everybody idolizes the action war hero
Come home with trauma; then you're a zero
It has to be the same as in the cool movie!
Immortalized by serving in the line of duty.

Politicians hold up our vets like shields,
To deflect from the profit dirty war yields,
And the public is so far off in left field
They think big pharma can make a mental wound healed.

Imagine risking it all for country
Then arriving home to being impoverished and hungry
It's a good bet
Julian Fantino Minister of Veteran Affairs
The wealthy hawks never wanted you back!
Better you dead,
Than their kid in some sack;
Or worse yet, on crack.

They romanticized war
The road home not paved
They invested in the corps
That cost a soul, not saved.

What's the going rate for a life these days?
Ask them in Fallujah how much it pays.
The cost of Iraqi kids catching some strays?
While California kids are just catching rays.

Say you take a kid,
And let her blow out her brains,
How can bloody hands,
Ever get out the stains?

Canadian Veterans Vimy Ridge

Jacques Nadeau