Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What Do The Experts Say?

Have the experts made the world a better place?
Why haven't they debunked the fallacy of race?
As a political wedge issue, the United States must erase
Clean up your own backyard, before getting on another's case
The right's treatment of Obama, is a damned disgrace!
Obama on Rosa Parks bus

Separating your whites from your darks meant;                                
Rosa Parks would spearhead civil rights, to try to prevent
Normal, being benchmarks, for guys that looked like Clark Kent
The spin cycle reverberated, so the rebellion would foment
Rosa Parks                        Clark Kent

The pundits referred to an elected Obama, as post race
But it's guys who look like Obama, the U.S. incarcerates
At the worlds most astronomical and alarming rates, 
A heavy load for which, future Americans, will pay high freights

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and PM Benjamin Netanyahu
Likud Beiteinu Party- extreme right wing party with
strong racist undertones-

What do the experts say about atrocities in Palestine?
Conservatives in Canada, like Likud and Beiteinu just fine
Palestinians backed Hamas, reneging in 2009
Alas, Western media pick sides, like jelly fish with no spine
U.S. and U.N. experts claim they're advocates of peace
Yet they back Netanyahu and Lieberman, whose murder won't cease!
The West say Hamas is to terrorism, like a tenant to a lease
By that logic all Palestinians are terrorists, they have to police!
Peacemakers that take sides, get cooked like geese!

"A researcher working with the Ebola virus
while wearing a
BSL-4 positive pressure suit to avoid infection"

What do the experts know about Ebola or Africa?
They don't get "A" in geography for watching Bergman in Casablanca
X= countries with Ebola; 52+X=55; how's their algebra?
The Western media uses Ebola to treat Africa like an anathema
Do the experts realize Africa's bigger than the state of  Nebraska?
Africa is a continent; the United States - a country below Canada
Africa has 55 countries; the U.S. state of Georgia's capital's Atlanta
Ebola spread to Liberia, a country colonized by the United States of America
Media experts capitalize off Ebola, by spreading mass hysteria
Ebola remains
Ebola Sierra Leone

What do the experts say about Malaysia flight MH 370?
Apparently they found it buried under their news reels aplenty
For the families of the missing, there's little to no empathy
If there's no explosions or burned bodies, it's bad copy for 20/20!
CNN uses toy plane to analyze missing
Malaysia flight -Huff Post

Saturday, July 26, 2014

How Runaway Capitalism Forced Us To Become Communist

33rd G8 Summit 2007

The wealthy capitalists say, know your place boy        
To women, don't be a top exec, be a coy sex toy
To same sex couples, you're not the real McCoy          
In this corporation, your kind we under employ
Increased communal living for the hoi polloi!
American Shanty Town
First Class
Toronto's Bridal Path 

Immigrant families are forced to pool resource
Homeless shelters considered humane recourse
Or you could live under a bridge, in a tent community 
The only full tax exemption, from capitalist incongruity        

Artist's depiction of U.S. wealth inequality in 2013.

Western elites compare us, to those in abject poverty
At least we're not like them, be grateful for your sovereignty
Shirking our financial duty, sinks us deeper in a quandary
As more and more join the ranks of the working poor 
A greater burden will be shouldered by the middle core
Individuality gets sapped, as we become more insecure
Collective identities emerge, like the communists you abhor
Homeless man Tokyo

If only all of us could look and be the same,
Baa Baa black sheep an oft heard child's refrain
The wool pulled over your eyes is held there by your chains
The whip across your back, feeds a familiar pain

Like the white moderates Martin Luther King spoke about
The ones deathly afraid of social unrest breaking out
Their cowardice maintained the status-quo at any cost
Few rights retained and many freedoms lost

Columbia University

Some have cushy jobs working in media
Spreading propaganda, undermining Wikipedia
They secretly abhor web 2.0
Because it provides a soapbox for the unwitting Joe

There is an unwritten law, enforced by the West            
Speak your mind within a socially approved context
Even if you disagree with the conformist point of view    
You must understand, society will censure you
It's for your own safety, say the top earning few
We had wealthy parents to put us through, Columbia U

The Western intelligentsia tow the line, or face expulsion
Conservative McCarthyism bears its teeth and revulsion
Academic pandering, is the wealthy's obsessive compulsion
Elites took back the university for status and propulsion
Royal Bank of Canada

Reaganomics gave America what it well deserved
When a lousy Hollywood actor, as president did serve
Conservatives tout his reputation, like royalty well preserved
No unbiased view of history believes this should be observed

More Than Just Race

His trickle down policies imprisoned inner city blacks      
America's prison industry, the net beneath the cracks                
Every Western country disproportionately jails its poor
The West is not advanced, it's deluded by grandeur

White elites in Canada for all their fuss about equality              
Did little to help Indigenous lives sunk low in poverty
But they sure did help themselves like hogs at the trough
We shake our heads in disbelief, they were probably bought off
Not exactly for, a monetary sum
Their spinning wheels indicated, a politically motivated one
Liberals and Conservatives never got a meaningful thing done!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

That Sidewalk Is Like Sooo Pedestrian Dude

Pedestrians and cyclists get the short straw              
Getting hit by a car won't get no guffaw
Only when it's a child the driver never saw
Will city councilors admit to the flaw                                      

Single occupancy is the reality of most cars on the road
As a result, many drivers are fat like a toad
For those doing the greatest good, by taking the bus
Only a teeny piece of the pie, is leftover for us

Construction on city streets has the right of way
If it's where your bus stop is, that's A- OK
Bus riders can hoof it on the side of the road
Is it any wonder people get squished like a toad?

In winter in Mississauga, the city plows snow drifts high
Like R. Kelly, Mississauga officials believe pedestrians can fly    
They seem to believe snow drifts can touch the sky
Elected officials don't think about pedestrians night or day
They want pedestrians and cyclists to spread their wings and fly away

A bad case of nerves gave us the hives
Because of the stress, cars, drive in our lives            
Traffic jams, accidents, gridlock and congestion
Now everybody is distracted drivin' while textin'

Mississauga to the car is like the earth to the sun
Some behind the wheel are like a gangster with a gun
Cars like the gun, might be better suited for the country 
They're not suited for the city where poor people are hungry            
Infrastructure money, used for the car
Would be better spent to get us socially on par
North American city gridlock and congestion
Is like obesity with constipation and indigestion
Quite the same as clogged arteries with pulmonary hypertension

Use of cars in North America astronomically grew
The use of oil and other fuels, for that matter too,
It would seem our elected officials don't have a clue
They lack vision for the job we pay them to do

Like Mississauga's 1950's social model
For fear of change Hazel McCallion we did coddle
It's time in Mississauga for a new day to dawn
After 12 terms Hazel will finally move on
Glad handing politicians love their jobs in perpetuity
That's why North America lacks political and social ingenuity
In Memory of
Georgia Walsh

Monday, July 7, 2014

Adickted To Ford

Addiction is a terrible disease
Not an excuse to do as you please                                    
Life threatening illness or political trick
Not as much an addict so much as a dick

Real addicts suffer real consequences
Not own big houses with picket fences
Real addicts suffer jail sentences
Are not privileged sons or their father's apprentices

First          or         Fix                            
On                         Or
Race                      Repair
Day                        Daily

Race day can refer to human frailty
Identity politics is in the news daily
Hatred against those who identify gayly
The white hope of the poor black races
Deserving of a leader lacking human graces
The Ford Escape to GreeneStone covered all of his bases

First On Race Day an adept political campaign
Manipulating public sympathy for political gain
Political power reserved for conservative reign  
Conservatism in Canada became an ignoble stain

Fix Or Repair -Toronto's politics- Daily
Like Ford Pinto's blowing up like Halley
The disenfranchised of poor Toronto 
Need affordable housing quick-time, pronto
In the Region of Peel we also feel the pain
Yet the Ford Focus is Toronto's gravy train

Toronto might become like the Ford Edsel
A dead car battery known as a "dead cell"
Toronto's mayoralty suffers from bloat
Like the Ford Explorer it's the size of a boat
With its own entourage and media frenzy
A lemon like the '74 Ford Mustang II not like a Bentley.