Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Say Hi To The Same Bad Guy

Go ahead make your pick            
Elizabeth Moyer is just
 one of several TDSB
 trustees accused of
filing questionable
expense claims
Can Toronto afford -
Another political trick?
John Tory or Doug Ford
Doesn't matter which box you tick

For the record
They're the same guy anyway
No need for political discord
Feel like you're "over a barrel"
Like the Toronto District School Board
Leaders beware of the Damocles sword!

The next four years are crucial
One wrong move
And our lives could be:
Nasty, solitary, shortish and brutal
The only lasting hope for our society
Depends on, in its entirety                              
The exuberance of our youthful
Canada's out of shape
Our feds were untruthful!

Mister Tory needs to answer for
Supporting Netanyahu's filthy war                            
John Tory, seen last
weekend, would want
the city to pull funding
of the Pride parade if
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid
takes part, he said
 Friday at a debate.
Chiding, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid
A political ploy he used to deride
With hate rhetoric to stem his tide
From the anti-Semite label that he applied
To cast aspersion over happy Gay Pride!

With John Tory
Toronto will be mourning glory
Defender of Western Interests
Brought to you by: 
Washington and its
Ottawa mistress
The antithesis 
Of freedom;
Blood red like Esau and Edom
The facilitators of greed, 
Do you heed them?
Bombing civilians into oblivion
At Hellfire speed

With Forrest Gump's mental fuzz
The public always follow, just because
Like the crowd crossing at the red light was,
As stupid is as stupid does

If Tory builds it they will come
A subway monstrosity for an
Peter J. Thompson/National PostMayoral candidate
Olivia Chow, left,
shakes hands with
Sam, right, prior
 to taking part in
a debate about disability
 issues with John
Tory at Ryerson University,
 Monday Sept. 22, 2014.
8 billion sum
Ballooning to 16 billion and costing too much to run
Add in the transfer tax and your head will go numb
Toronto's 7 year old mutant will be born in 2021

Shiny new things always sound good
But never do they cost what they should                  
The last thing Toronto needs, is to expand
It's too fat already
Judging by its pudgy little hands
53 kilometer system, 5 interchanges and 22 stops
Is redundant like their list of condos and cops
And the build more roads theory
Where did that get us?
Too many commuters and not enough bus

Part of Tory's plan counts on Metrolinx
Their user unfriendly Presto card really stinks
For Smart Track will they pony up dough?
With a 12.5 provincial shortfall, it's unlikely though

In 7 years when political faces rearrange
Gambling on gas plants left us no spare change
No buses now? Sounds kind of strange
Throwing around money in exchange
Like Gladwell's example of the inverted U
With "unmitigated good", the problem just grew

Olivia Chow uses the
backdrop of a condo
 construction site at
 Eglinton Ave. West
 and Widdicombe Hill Blvd
to illustrate her contention
that John Tory's
SmartTrack plan
 to build transit from that
location to Mississauga
isn't possible during
a Tuesday press conference.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

If you bring up the legacy of George W. Bush
Councillor Rob Ford apologized
at city council today
for remarks he made earlier
 this month about “Orientals”
— but it didn’t come easy.
Right wingers shoot back with a push
Those who roll their eyes don't want to admit
Ignoring history makes you bound to repeat it

In Ontario it's much the same with Mike Harris
The thought of him makes most embarrassed
In Toronto's comical mayoral campaign
There's talk of voting in more of the same

Many want a mayor who's a friend to Ottawa
Thinking Toronto will get something, is a flaw
Federal Conservatives hate everything Liberal
Politically based exclusion
In a word
A government not representative of all of its people

 Order this photo
John Tory,
who has been touting
his SmartTrack
plan to use GO
 train corridors
for transit,
dropped out of a transit
users' debate hours before
 it was slated
to be held Monday.
In a word is

Mr. John Tory
What is his story?
Private sector corporate types
Make for good fiscal managers right?
A common talking point of the politically trite
It's only beneficial if you're a large corporation
While Jane Q Public succumbs to inflation
We think corporations make all the jobs
We call ourselves average working slobs
We're not so smart we sheepishly say
It's better we keep our thoughts at bay
And hand power over to those with "feet of clay"

How about reminding the John Tory promoters
Locally and Provincially, he was rejected by voters
His bid for PC leadership was a political croaker
He was replaced by Tim Hudak, the political joker
Yet he keeps on resurfacing like a political floater!
He'll say anything to be ranked a political power broker
Under his leadership Toronto will stay mediocre!

John Tory, leader (2004-2009)
Tory came under heavy criticism
 from several party member
s following this delay, with
his opponents signalling that
 they would continue to call
 for an end to what they\
 called his 'weak' leadership.

Toronto is top heavy with obesity                                        
Evidenced by wealthy indecency
The symptoms include:
Hording of wealth around the globe
Social blindness on the occipital lobe
Making false promises to give the gullible hope
Avoiding the issues to keep your campaign afloat

What the gullible don't seem to understand          
Is the mathematical equation at hand
People over money gets you positive results
Money over people gets you Ford Nation cults
John Tory said he
would delay the
Sheppard East and
Finch LRTs in April.
Mr. Tory was the
only campaigning
candidate who stayed
silent when Tim Hudak
said he’d cancel the Finch
and Sheppard East LRTs.
And after launching his
campaign to build a subway
relief line, calling it
his top priority,
he now won’t invest in subway relief.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Toronto: Canada's Pet Buffoon

The proboscis monkey
 (Nasalis larvatus)
or long-nosed monkey

Does Canada have a hairy pet?                    
How utterly silly can Toronto get?
Baboon, gorilla, or hairy monkey
Toronto's home to the political flunky!

At the thought of Rod Ford, the elites all cringed
Shuddered the thought of a mayoral crack binge
Picking white specks from off the carpet
Peeking out windows, and being a target

Goodness gracious they couldn't have that
Behind his back, they snickered, he's fat!
The paparazzi zoomed in, on his double chin
Monkey in coat runs 
loose at Toronto
 Ikea parking lot
Now they depict Doug Ford as his evil twin

No flame on a passing torch, is of little worth
A political version, of  scorched earth 
As for leadership, in Toronto there's a dearth
Harris' amalgamation, to a mutant, gave birth
A monstrosity of a city, a cesspool for greed
Foreign investors made its condo buyers bleed
If you say rent rates are out of control
Then city counsel has no virtues to extol
Create incentives for existing housing
If it's affordability that you're espousing
Lower property taxes on new landlords
Regulate rent amounts people can afford
Toronto condos: 
Harris responsible 

for building boom

To the rest of Canada, Toronto profess to be great 
Is John Tory's flip flopping a desirable trait?                                     
A Conservative mayor might just be a bad policy conveyor 
The loudest screamers on tax, are a danger to the tax payer 

Populism's like a political bowel movement
Dumping, provides a temporary improvement
Only to find you have stress and indigestion
It's single occupants in vehicles that creates traffic congestion

How do you solve Toronto's job problem?
Call it youth unemployment, or call it a Joblem
Start with retirement agreements and livable pension plans
Create jobs that have foreseeable life spans
Coveted job perpetuity is no employment driver
A system lacking movement requires more fiber

How do you justify a billion dollar police budget?                          
When crime stats improve, do police and media fudge it?
Police costs have "Toronto The Good" down on its knees
They're too busy profiling Blacks - hands in the air! Freeze!
Toronto the good, a safe place to live is great
With a cop on every corner it's more like a police state
 | Sep 8, 2014 | 3:38 
Youth unemployment
A new report says 

1 in 10 youth living in the GTA
are without a job and are 

also not in school.

Torontonians complain about the ol' (white) boys club
You know the ones with power, news media shoulder's rub
Toronto needs a real mayor, not another "friend" to the feds
Someone for which you can say, decency, she has a shred
Don't think friends of Ottawa will curry Toronto favor
A mayor who stands  her ground, adds political flavor
Voters rightly fear letting the wrong one in
Let's hope voter Sinophobia won't be colored by spin

Rising police budget draws 
few questions from councillors

"It eats up one-quarter of all 
property taxes collected 
by the City of Toronto"

Sinophobic policies
(such as the
 Chinese Exclusion
 Act, the Chinese
 Immigration Act
of 1923, anti-Chinese
 zoning laws and
 restrictive covenants,
 the policies of Richard
Seddon, and the
White Australia policy)
 and pronouncements
 on the "yellow peril"
were in evidence
 as late as the
mid-20th century
in the Australia,
United States,
Canada, and New Zealand.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Would Plato say about N.A.T.O?

Plato: copy of portrait bust by Silanion

What would Plato say about N.A.T.O?
World War III's, their political hot potato
Are N.A.T.O's actions not guided by justice?
And you fault the poets for the broken compass?

Ah, but this is not Kallipolis
Don't look to capitalist neo-cons, to make you free
As you're wont to do with leaders of charlatan fame
Corporate news media and entertainment, one in the same

Take a look at the ISIS crisis
The West must address its mess,
World leaders meet
 at the 2014 NATO Summit
 on Thursday, September 4, 2014
. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
At the behest, of her highness.
You can't afford to be so naive
Trickery comes from ones, with means up their sleeve!

Don't make love, make war!
Today we are subjects, individuals no more          
If we see invaders attacking the Western shore
We'll know for sure, political parties are rotten to the core              
Like 911, when the G.O.P. let them in!
When "hearts and minds" cower, they're easy to win

Potato Grenade
by Novibru

What would Plato say today of our youth?
What was your life worth if it didn't stand for truth?
To not stand up for equality, justice and freedom for all
Means you traded it for privilege and comfort before the fall!

Don't think like our parents
And offer undying loyalty and political adherence
Don't think your working will make your kid's life easy
If they're politically disengaged, they're prey for the sleazy

Social justice in Canada, had capsized
Like the search for Franklin, Conservatives franchised
Money is easy to find, for funding politics and war
Like Franklin, it goes missing, if it's for, uplifting the poor

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
 listens to details from Parks
 Canada's Ryan Harris about
the discovery of one of the ships
 from Sir John Franklin's Arctic
expedition, which was lost in 1846
. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Like Alibaba and Jack Ma's forty thieves
Stolen labor feeds, insatiable Western greed
Justified by the ascension of Chinese middle class speed
Conveniently forgotten, the Chinese wage slave's need
Serfdom the Chinese Communist Party helped make
In the wake, of Western profits they all rake!

What would Plato say about plans of N.A.T.O's?
Splat they go, like a bad rating on Rotten Tomatoes
Russia could have been an ally against ISIL
But Cold War's more profitable in the Western news cycle

Don't expect the truth to be trending on your Twitter feed
N.AT.O demand 2% military spending, located in their screed
Conservative cap in hand, makes the Canadian public purse bleed
Wasn't big government spending a talking point they were to heed?
Jack Ma Yun,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Alibaba Group

Grand Opening of Alibaba
Group Taiwan Branch
"In 2012, two of Alibaba’s
 portals together handled
 1.1 trillion yuan ($170 billion)
 in sales, more than
competitors eBay
and Amazon.com