Monday, October 12, 2015

More Is Lost Through Indecision Than Wrong Decision

Advance poll turnout up 34 per cen
t from 2011 election: Elections Canada
Way up in Canada
The cold, cold North
A nation's tug of war,
Is going back and forth
A "Free World" federal election
Not America's social infection
Caused by politically driven
Gun culture predilection
Where mass shootings
Are as common as,
Garbage collection!

Canada's been thrown
On the trash heap of time
Our environmental model                                                                    
Federal government falling further
 behind on emissions reductions, audit finds

Exceeded its prime
Government is soft on
Polluter pay crime
So corporate malfeasance
Is on the taxpayer dime

You can breathe easy
Our cars are going green
Not if they're Volkswagen
If ya know what I mean
Lotsa green is lining CEO pockets
Self proclaimed leaders,
Do nothing, to stop it!
An open invitation
For a tidy corporate profit!                                                                                      
We can use oil sands bread
For an oil spill, to sop it!

What's Canada's big election issue?
It'll make you,
Wish you
U of M engineer explains how
Volkswagen cheated on emissions tests
Had you a box of,
Kleenex tissue!
Conservative's have more faces
Than arms on the Vishnu
Niqab, right wing blab,
Was no campaign miscue!

Bad thoughts in voter's heads
Filled our hearts so full of dread
Conservatives had us fearing 
Soon we'd all be dead!                          
Women with face covers
And the pure panic that it bred;                                                                      
Down the slippery slope,
Full speed ahead!

Niqab issue in election creating
 fear and suspicion of Muslims
Conservatives are like separatists!
Engaged in power trysts;
Inciting intolerance
With a raised fist;
Will you be the first to enlist?

Let the self righteous
Go fight ISIS!
Or let us fight each other                                                    
Canadian sister against brother!
Yet another,
Intolerance blunder;
One day, may tear Canada asunder!

Stephen Harper 'playing a very
divisive game' with niqabs, Tom Mulcair says
Harper plays Quebecers
Like a French fiddle
Since when have Conservatives,
Taken sides mostly Liberal?
His feet are a tapping
Watch his bum start to wiggle
As he plays a familiar tune
Called, stick a wedge up the middle!
Put on a bib
Samaa Elibyari reacts to anti-niqab ad
Catch the blabber mouth dribble
Reasonable Accommodation                                                        
Is Canada's best kept riddle!

Conservative intolerance for the niqab
Spread around Canada
Like a cyber case of crabs
Voice your outrage!
Atta boy take a stab
If you feel so inclined
You go girl take a jab
Be good fanatics
Like good ole Captain Ahab                                                                            
Quebec's Liberal government
introduced Bill 62 in June.
"I believe the Quebec government
has been handling this very controversial
issue in a very responsible manner,
" Harper said while speaking in Saskatoon
 on Wednesday. "And we will do
exactly the same thing in Ottawa."

Devoured by something
The size of a whale
His own obsession
Kicked his own tail

The real voter requirement
Is to put useless feds,
Into early retirement!
Don't let them create,
A hostile environment
Realize for yourself,
Just what the liar meant!

Is Canada the sum of all its resources?
Having few environmental recourses;
Bill C51 will use government forces
To come down on protestors
Like trampling horses!

Voters must decide,                                                                                  
What are their wants                                                                                
Bill C-51 Could Be Used
To Target Activists: Amnesty International

Or don't vote at all,
Dwell in your old haunts;
Turn your back on change
If change is what you fear,
If it's guarantees you crave;
Year after year
Go ahead cast a ballot for Thomas Mulcair

Is it fresh blood you crave?
A well scrubbed youthful glow
In that case your man is Justin Trudeau
But if it entered your mind
To still be one of those
Better you vote for                                                                       
The devil you know

Eventually there will come a day
Canada's boys club will fade away

Elizabeth May willing to mediate
coalition to topple Stephen Harper
Women in politics are here to stay
Vote for Elizabeth come what May

No way you say
If our choices we weigh 
And we hope and pray
Or get led astray
But somehow bow to feet of clay

Remember then to end division
It's better my friend to have a vision
"More is lost through indecision
Than wrong decision"