Monday, November 7, 2016

15 Questions For 50 States

First gentleman? Mr President?
 What will Bill Clinton
be called if Hillary wins?
1.) If Hillary were to become                                                  
The first female American president -                                      
Would that make Bill                                                                    
The first "First Man" White House resident?

2.) Is Huma Abedin
The "Haters Back Off" girl
Or is their resemblance
Just outta this world?

3.) Why did James Comey of the FBI
First clear Hillary back in July,
Then follow the State Department's lead -
And reopen the investigation with news cycle speed;                                      
State Department contractors detail
 how Clinton and her team
 ignored security rules
Amid the very vocal cries from both sides                        
Comey held the fortunes to turn the tides                            
Then suddenly as if no one could remember
Comey cleared Hillary just in time for November?

4.) Why did Hillary, knowing the consequence,
Use her own server with full cognizance?

5.) Hillary must have known the full implications,
So why the blatant disregard for her obligations?

6.) If Trump wins the election,
Will diplomacy become his new predilection?                                                      
Donald Trump Cannot Be President
 of the United States
The time has come for voters
 to decide what it truly means
 to be an American

7.) Are wars merely fought and won,
Or does diplomacy avert them, before they've begun?

8.) If the American President must be a Natural Born Citizen;
Can the First Lady be a Yugoslav denizen?

9.) If a Trump presidency,
Hires a special prosecutor
To seize Hillary and her rogue computer;
Will Bush, Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld;
America's top three criminals,
Also be held?
Melania Trump’s sketchy
 immigration history, explained
If a new Associated Press
 report is right,
Melania Trump herself
was once an “illegal” immigrant.
10.) Will a president Trump's actions
Be dubbed partisan attacks -
That makes Republicans and Democrats
Have to watch their backs?

11.) What kind of policies
Will a Trump administration enact -
If his policies aren't backed
By House Democrats?

12.) Will a Trump presidency mark the end
Of the across the aisle bipartisan friend -
Will fellow Americans also descend
Into bitter discord,
We cannot comprehend?

13.) Will American federalism
Be rendered obsolete -                                                                                
Here’s What Donald Trump Says
 Will Happen If  He Loses on Tuesday
With two political parties
Constantly dragging their feet?

14.) If a Trump presidency
Labels Washington corrupt -
Will a fractious environment
Between 50 states erupt?

15.) Is Hillary a member of
The Bilderberg Group,
And why are they as transparent
As a bucket full of poop?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wait Till They Get A Load Of Me

America The Beautiful 
To some you are so dutiful
Law enforcement is full of lies 
Trump’s false claim that stop and frisk
 in NYC wasn’t ruled unconstitutional
Yet Trump's rhetoric flies                                                              
In the face of reason; 
"Stop and Frisk" is race based treason!
A betrayal of the social contract,
Systemic oppression to be exact;
Whether it's "Law and Order"  or
"Protect our border"
Trump is an exporter, 
In a context that is broader,
Driving corporate press media fodder
As slippery as eels
Hillary on the other hand denies 
The root cause 
Her own words give pause -  
In America there are two sets of laws
Blacks get chewed up by its jaws
America sharpens her monstrous claws
Then gives itself a big round of applause; 
America's once spacious skies
Became heavily clouded
Margaret Washington :
 Obstacles Faced by
African Americans
In obstacles by which we're enshrouded                                        
For Gods grace -                                                                                         
She grew too crowded 
Her alabaster cities over run
Not by shepherds but by sheep, 
Neath her foundation 
Her festering sores weep
Your rapist pilgrims you can keep
Rage wake thee from thy eternal sleep 
Black people discarded through H.U.D. 
Keith L. Scott's name
"Drug" through the mud
Terance Crutcher murdered in cold blood
Three Little Scams:
Manipulating the Housing Crisis
But this cash cow
Keeps chewing her cud;
The video evidence clearly shows 
Both murders were orchestrated by pros 
Her mascaraed eyes running 
From the tears that keep coming 
With a denial no less cunning
And a backwardness oh so stunning 

Hillary or Trump
Who'll pull America                                                                            
Democrats: Trump is a 'super predator'
From its economic slump?
On second thought,
There's no need;
What many call a "slump"
Is America's new speed;
Gone are the days,
America took for granted
When false leaders proclaimed
"Your feet were firmly planted";
To paraphrase what Trump gleefully chanted                                    
China sees red as Donald Trump
 blames Beijing for American woes

If their canthus be slanted
Made in China
Is why America's disenchanted

It seems manufacturing,
Ain't coming back;
It's a Made in America,
Panic attack;
Doctors make you docile,
Prescribing drugs like Prozac
The CIA gets you jonesing
On Iran-Contra crack;
Landlords impose high rents,
They annually jack;
Corporations pay low wages                                                                          
500 homicides. 9 months. 1 American city.
They continually hack;
The South and West side of Chicago,
Is segregated for Blacks
Chicago's murder rate
Is squarely on the Democrats
It's housing, jobs and opportunity
Hillary and Obama's hometown lacks
Why do elected officials,
Remain so irrefutably wack?

In order to get ourselves -
Cheap goods though!
Our priorities became like a free throw                                                
Food and the Arab spring
Let them eat baklava

We're in a state where we -
Perpetually owe;
So we take the foul shot
Like a hardened vet or polished pro
With steely precision
And no where "Left" to go
Looking annoyed
Merely filling the void
Needing more -
And to even the score;
Yet many can't pay their hydro,
Perhaps food will be the first to go
High food prices fed the overthrow
In Tunisia, Bahrain and in Cairo!

You either eat,
'People have to choose between
heating and eating':
Rising hydro costs hit Ontarians
Or freeze in the dark!                                                                
You choose!
Elected officials have little to no clues!
They go-a-frolicking,
And picnicking in the park;
Without a care,
And singing like a lark!

Watch what officials,
Do in our name!
Shelling soft targets,
Ex-TV contestant is the
 8th woman to accuse Trump
 of sex assault

Became a tit for tat game!
So if you have anxiety just let it go
Billionaire Donald Trump                                                                      
Is your old "Average Joe"
Like the Apprentice,
His ego runs the show,
This All American saviour
Says he'll get U.S. back our dough!
Go with it,
Passively flow with it;
Even though you don't concede;
You get the government
You deserve indeed!
Whether you can or can't you read?

Trump wants to -
"Get out the Black vote"
So goes the speech the RNC wrote
Logic like his -                                                                      
Is like rowing a leaky boat                                                                                      
"Michael row de boat ashore
RNC rats will chew right through ya -
The greatest snub of the debate?
 It was against Black Lives Matter
There was room for questions
about Hillary’s emails –
 but none on the biggest social movement

 of the day, which started
 down the road in Ferguson, Missouri
To jump ship;
But among Trump supporters,
His numbers won't slip;
When you have nothing,
"What have you got to lose?"
Blacks always seem to lose
With the white officials,
They so choose!
Maybe Trump is "Right"
Cut off your own nose in spite!
Ignore the bent, of his political stripe,
And his pandering to wealthy whites!
No no no - not so fast bro
Long-suffering Black plight
Remains a DNC oversight
Along with racist white flight;
Allowing crushing poverty
To become America's blight
NRA Sticking With Trump,
Breaks Own Record for
Campaign Spending

Today in America,
The ordinary never win
Americans are obsessed
With wealth and beauty
And the colour of your skin!

Face it;
The pie just shrunk.                                                              
Hillary packs much junk
In her gold plated trunks
She'll need the Blue Room
Just for her pumps!
James Comey Salary, Net Worth:
FBI Director Benefits From
 Hillary Clinton Foundation?
In a word -
A long political career
A bank account full of cabbage
And her finely coiffed hair;
But what about the country?
Oh stop that you spoiled brat!
You took the payoff,
With most times at bat;
So white kids could grow -
Enormously fat!
Not from the poverty-
America can't admit                                                                                    
Clinton Staffer on
 Black Lives Matter Founder:
 ‘Yuck’Campaign flagged interview
 where BLM leader declared
 she wouldn’t vote for Hillary
From opulence and wealth
And heavy on the bullshit!
America picks her winners
And dooms her losers to poor health

Nobody's buying into
Electing Hillary's akin to -
Feminist, self-determination;
Hillary in the White House
For her,
Ain't no new destination!
She's practically got her bags
All moved in
The DNC's counting on an easy win
Able bodied, hetero-white women - of America
Nobody's ever had a hard time -
Hearing ya!                                                        

Trump Adopts Right-Wing Media's
Flawed Robert Byrd Canard
To Detract From Allegations Of Racism
Blog ››› August 29, 2016
10:12AM EDT
Y'all owned your own ticket punch-
A ticket to ride
And a free lunch;                                                                   
Even before Woolworth's -
All-white food counter brunch!

A filthy Stars and Stripes "Basket
of Deplorables"
Merica's historical horribles!
And their hateful spawn
Are about as adorable
As an RNC pawn!
The RNC use voters inconceivably
To what political end?
Unbelievably, the RNC pretend;
To be an American voter's
 Hypocritical friend!                                                  
Dem slickster New Yorkers
Self serving corkers
Donald Trump's Four Decades Of Racism

Pork barrel porkers
Squealing; baby kissin' storkers

Imagine a White House
Full of fast Yankee talkers
Players and cock blockers
The KKK playing soccer
Models with big knockers                                              
Paparazzi gawkers
Special interest stalkers
Shock jocks and rockers
Long Island Ice Tea,
And Zombie drinking walkers;
Baked like Betty Crocker's                                                                        
Snackin' Cakes
Herman Cain Defends Donald Trump
And Says He’s Not A Racist
Guess who GOP’s favorite Uncle Tom
will be voting for this election year?
 According to Politico
Brought to you by:
RNC fakes
And a Trump White House -
Chock-full of jaw dropping shockers!

Posit a tale of betrayal and woe
And how political elites -
Snuck off with your dough
What are the feelings this activates?
When you realize there never were two candidates
Only Power Whores,
Phonies and Fakes!
America is yet another
Alicia Garza Says No to Hillary
One party state!
Like a Syrian, or North Korean potentate
The American Establishment slated Hillary to win
Are Hillary and "The Donald" really next of kin?
Aren't Republicans and Democrats passing around the same crown?
In Washington DC they're the only game in town!
In all actuality there are two USA's
The international America of foreign displays
And the domestic America run economically astray;

Who are the American people to the USA -
Pawns who legitimize an elitist mainstay?
The United States of American primacy
Mostly benefits members of a small global dynasty!