Monday, March 31, 2014

The Conservative Tar Baby

Canadian Conservatives
Contaminate democracy
With their use of additives
Like bill C-23.

Our democracy's
Not trans fat free,
It's sluggish, over weight and unhealthy;
Diagnosed with a clogged artery.

PC Minister Pierre Poilievre (pwah-lee-evr)
Plans to give;
Campaign advantage,
To Conservatives;
Like reckless spending was to Bev;
Like Dimitri Soudas' Eve, imperative.

Elections Canada drove Harper crazy,
If he doesn't want a 2015 - maybe
He should abort his Poilievre"tar baby"!
Harper's sticky black bastard child
A product of sowing his robo oats wild.

Tar baby to blacks means more than sticky
Like Fair Elections to democracy's quite tricky
Disenfranchised voters can't afford to be picky
Conservative foreplay is called a quickie!

Conservative democracy grew a fat belly
Watching too many polls on the parliament telly
Excluding voters will make Conservatives smelly,
Like Canadians bent over with no petroleum jelly!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dumbing Down: The Sexual Process

Corporate music icons are functionally illiterate,
English they obliterate,
Their grammar,
They alliterate.

"It's Our Party We Can Do What We Want"
 What's all the fuss, about this sex crazed debutante?
 Another hyper-sexed body for the corporate pimps to flaunt.
"Black Black Black And Blue Beat Me Till I'm Numb"
 Over the head with corporate music, until we're just plain dumb.

 Politicians boast we're "The Knowledge Economy"
 Knowledge is over-rated in this new sexual ecology.
 Media pundits praise how far society has come;
 Our many silicone parts, are the product of their sum.

There are two significant mindsets in the New World phase:
Insomnia haze and lustful, sex craze.
For sleepless nights, put yourself in an Ambien induced daze;
If erectile dysfunction frustrates and annoys.
Let Viagra get you standing up again, boys!
Bright ideas from Big Pharma or manipulative ploys?
All you need to do is go to sleep and have sex to fill your voids.

Why is it people cannot operate vehicles anymore?
Who needs driving skills, now that the sexy car is yours!
Television is a great medium to help them sell their sexy wars,
 Even the smartphone's pull, sexually allures.

The appeal to base instinct, is the motivational sell;
There's never enough sex, for addictive tendencies to quell.
Money, sex and power: Is the democratic death knell,
The inevitable is quite obvious; even for a dumb-dumb to tell.