Sunday, November 29, 2015

Friday the Thirteenth: The Uncertain Agenda of the World's Wannabe Leaders

Let's bow our head                                                                                 
The mist of misinformation:
Deconstructing the rise of ISIS
For gay Paris's dead
Then ask a question
Of Hollande instead
Something wicked this way comes;
If immigrants live in squalor
And low income slums-
How will French exclusion,
Change your outcomes?
Now let's ask ourselves
About his declaration of war
How will French troops,
Invade a stateless shore?
French minister condemns
social exclusion of
young Muslims
Hollande does not want
A permanent solution
Instead what he craves
Is small minded retribution
France and the world,
Better beware;
Of following self proclaimed, 
Leaders who share;
In the warped delusions
Of George Bush and Tony Blair

War criminals who created ISIS.
Manufacture consent,
Chaos and crisis
Today Western officials
Have reason for being
The Western press                                                                                              
Is the all knowing, all seeing
The American dollar
Is the newish Almighty
And blowhard, Donald Trump
Is a tired, old whitey

ISIS, our Western baby
Whom the press label crazy
To their chagrin
Is neither shiftless nor lazy
If he can display pious aplomb
He can strap on a vest
With a suicide bomb

Now that the child's all grown
He could even man a drone of his own!
You can't have it both ways
Even if the child strays;
When a father doesn't love his child,
Society pays,
When she indubitably runs wild                                                          

Gaze into the crystal ball
Belshazzar's fate has come to call
Where America once stood tall;

America Created Al-Qaeda
and the ISIS Terror Group
Now the writing's on the wall!

God reserves the right
To make fat pockets light
Redistribute your good fortune
Don't piss Him off,
He's in the boardroom!
The ultimate CEO says
"You're fired" Mr. Trump!
You're not a serious candidate,
Just a useless hump;
The American people
Ain't so dumb
Just a tad, slower than some

The press called the attack
A terror plot
What we know about ISIS                                                                    
Doesn't amount to a lot
We buy into lazy reporting
Who knows what information
The press is distorting;
Paul Craig Roberts Slams Western Press-titution
The presses ISIS explanation 
Amounts to pure conjecture or speculation!

Professor Paul Rogers 
University of Bradford
Said overseas attacks
Is not the ISIS standard
It's al Qaeda who bomb soft targets
Like cafes and schools, 
Subways and markets;
Why would ISIS change its modus operandi?
Did the Paris killings,
Really come in that handy?
At the end of the day,
No matter where you are,
You're less likely to be killed by ISIS
Than run over by a car!

The Paris attack,
And the official press story;
Has the makings,
Of true Hollywood territory;
The action/suspense filled category
Movie goers love their breaking news gory
A re-released DiCaprio reprise
Paris is part-two to "Body of Lies"
The American press create the disguise
Trickle down news is what
The whole wide world buys!

If before now ISIS didn't attack
It was because of the capability that it lacked                                    
Netanyahu, the great pretender

ISIS magically took out a Russian plane
If you believe that
The press sabotaged your brain!
One fact about the tragedy in Paris
Francois Hollande is 
Thoroughly embarrassed!
But a real leader would accept all the blame
His denial and defiance is France's shame

Real people say
To know is our right
Did the United States,
Pick a dog in this fight?
If Russia is backing Assad
Are America's friends,
Still in Riyadh?
Even after 2003
And the fruits of the Saudi terror tree
Where is Israel in all of this?
If ISIS was a threat you couldn't dismiss
Netanyahu and Hollande 
Would've shared a French kiss!

Are the United States arming 
 Peshmerga and the rebels?
To African Americans,
CIA, are a pack of blue eyed devils!
The sole objective here
Is protracted world war
What did you think all the PSY-OPS was for?
CNN and NPR began using PSY-OPS in the nineties
The CBC and BBC have white men,
Shitting their tighty whities;
And white ladies soiling their nighties -
Thinking terrorists have bombs
Hidden in their Nikes

Sunday, November 8, 2015

“The Sins of the Previous Leader are to be Laid Upon the Current Leader and the Nation.”

This just in
Canada's new PM 
Yes just him
His name is Justin
It was a must win 
Give a victory pin
To Pierre's next of kin!

Big shoes to fill 
Because daddy is still 
Someone loved and respected 
Beyond Parliament Hill

Who said youth, 
Is wasted on the young?
Age equals wisdom,
In places far flung!
Here in the West
Many would agree                                                                  
That's a big load of dung

It's a pop culture world
Let make-believe unfurl
Bill Blair getting in
Made peace lovers hurl

It's a cheese lovers world 
Give politics a whirl 
Stinky, old cheese 
May make your toes curl!
Politician cops
Are C.O.I. plurals!
Like diamonds and pearls
Ban military and cops,
From the political world!
Before we're left with 
More scandals that swirl!

If you don't want to eat
Think of smelly flat feet
Julian Fantino,
May be the bigger elite
Didn't the Liberals learn, 
From the Conservative defeat?
Bill Blair is the new concern 
Now that Fantino lost his seat
Bad news right from day one 
Politician cops 
Have influence, a badge and a gun!

Now that Fantino's out 
Even white boys got to shout,
Baby get back!
They know Black people lack,
Political clout! 
Toronto has a carding loophole                                                                        
Ontario remains racist,
Beyond a shadow of doubt!

You'd think by this hour
It'd be progress 
To have minorities in power
Think again!
Black and Native faces look dour 
Living conditions continue to  sour
Chief Saunders, and the Premier 
Both cower! 

One a Black man
The other female and Queer
Yet both allow the tentacles of oppression 
To choke off our air;
Big L Liberal may stand for unfair 
If Liberals don't show us how much that they care
Is it to the brokers behind them,
Whose allegiance they swear? 

For the new age of politics
The public is "the ultimate weapon"
The disenfranchised's needs 
Aren't regarded in the least                                                                                
Bystander who filmed video of
Sammy Yatim shooting testifies at trial
When it's the elite's wealth, 
The people's needs threaten 

Let sullen eyes feast
As Ontario
Descends into the belly of the beast! 
How did "Toronto the Good"
Clean up its streets? 
It jailed Black bodies, 
Check out Babylon's beats!

Beats to the body 
Beats to the head 
Beat you damn bloody 
Young Sammy shot dead!
How can anyone believe,                                                    
In Canadian justice?
It's rarely been used
That's why it got rusted
Like a jalopy that's abused, 
Yatim got dusted 
Officer James Forcillo 
Left the world disgusted 
He breached the oath
The public entrusted 
To uphold the constitution
Even for those who get busted! 

He pumped a mentally ill boy 
All full of holes 
Left him undignified, lifeless and cold 
Saying he'll get off                                                                                          
Is not really that bold
Prosecutors called "the Crown"
Sound like they're British controlled 
But Canada's independent!
Or so we are told
It's the same tired story 
Now so decrepit and old
The elite never convict 
One of their fold

Can a wealthy nation's healing 
Now begin,
After 10 long years, 
Of Conservative sin?
Is Canada really ready, 
For a Liberal win?
The elite Canadian press 
Took the truth for a spin 

Calling an election win "change"
You need not be a sleuth 
To find that kinda strange; 
Especially when things stay the same;                                                          
Proof That Trudeau Won
Because Strategic Voting Works
But the faces rearrange
Strategic voting,
Left a nation estranged!

It's the same old history 
Repeating yet again 
Like Barbie and Ken
From way back when 
Politicians play dress up 
For their new role 
The next four years 
Liberals think they control

What we see here 
In Canada today 
Is no political party                                                                    
Stephen Harper no longer
the head of the Conservative Party

Has sole right of way
10 years is too long 
To let puppet masters play 
And devour Canada
Like a Peanut Buster Parfait 

Oops, you got a little chocolate 
On your chin;
Conservatives deserved 
Their kick in the shin
Their best thinking 
Made us have to begin 
What they let wear thin

Cutting spending at any expense                                              
Their stinking thinking 
Made everybody tense
Neglecting people, housing - good jobs; 
Shirking responsibility 
Is a luxury that robs,
The common people 
Of adequate health;
Why is Canadian unity,
Second to monetary wealth?

Monday, October 12, 2015

More Is Lost Through Indecision Than Wrong Decision

Advance poll turnout up 34 per cen
t from 2011 election: Elections Canada
Way up in Canada
The cold, cold North
A nation's tug of war,
Is going back and forth
A "Free World" federal election
Not America's social infection
Caused by politically driven
Gun culture predilection
Where mass shootings
Are as common as,
Garbage collection!

Canada's been thrown
On the trash heap of time
Our environmental model                                                                    
Federal government falling further
 behind on emissions reductions, audit finds

Exceeded its prime
Government is soft on
Polluter pay crime
So corporate malfeasance
Is on the taxpayer dime

You can breathe easy
Our cars are going green
Not if they're Volkswagen
If ya know what I mean
Lotsa green is lining CEO pockets
Self proclaimed leaders,
Do nothing, to stop it!
An open invitation
For a tidy corporate profit!                                                                                      
We can use oil sands bread
For an oil spill, to sop it!

What's Canada's big election issue?
It'll make you,
Wish you
U of M engineer explains how
Volkswagen cheated on emissions tests
Had you a box of,
Kleenex tissue!
Conservative's have more faces
Than arms on the Vishnu
Niqab, right wing blab,
Was no campaign miscue!

Bad thoughts in voter's heads
Filled our hearts so full of dread
Conservatives had us fearing 
Soon we'd all be dead!                          
Women with face covers
And the pure panic that it bred;                                                                      
Down the slippery slope,
Full speed ahead!

Niqab issue in election creating
 fear and suspicion of Muslims
Conservatives are like separatists!
Engaged in power trysts;
Inciting intolerance
With a raised fist;
Will you be the first to enlist?

Let the self righteous
Go fight ISIS!
Or let us fight each other                                                    
Canadian sister against brother!
Yet another,
Intolerance blunder;
One day, may tear Canada asunder!

Stephen Harper 'playing a very
divisive game' with niqabs, Tom Mulcair says
Harper plays Quebecers
Like a French fiddle
Since when have Conservatives,
Taken sides mostly Liberal?
His feet are a tapping
Watch his bum start to wiggle
As he plays a familiar tune
Called, stick a wedge up the middle!
Put on a bib
Samaa Elibyari reacts to anti-niqab ad
Catch the blabber mouth dribble
Reasonable Accommodation                                                        
Is Canada's best kept riddle!

Conservative intolerance for the niqab
Spread around Canada
Like a cyber case of crabs
Voice your outrage!
Atta boy take a stab
If you feel so inclined
You go girl take a jab
Be good fanatics
Like good ole Captain Ahab                                                                            
Quebec's Liberal government
introduced Bill 62 in June.
"I believe the Quebec government
has been handling this very controversial
issue in a very responsible manner,
" Harper said while speaking in Saskatoon
 on Wednesday. "And we will do
exactly the same thing in Ottawa."

Devoured by something
The size of a whale
His own obsession
Kicked his own tail

The real voter requirement
Is to put useless feds,
Into early retirement!
Don't let them create,
A hostile environment
Realize for yourself,
Just what the liar meant!

Is Canada the sum of all its resources?
Having few environmental recourses;
Bill C51 will use government forces
To come down on protestors
Like trampling horses!

Voters must decide,                                                                                  
What are their wants                                                                                
Bill C-51 Could Be Used
To Target Activists: Amnesty International

Or don't vote at all,
Dwell in your old haunts;
Turn your back on change
If change is what you fear,
If it's guarantees you crave;
Year after year
Go ahead cast a ballot for Thomas Mulcair

Is it fresh blood you crave?
A well scrubbed youthful glow
In that case your man is Justin Trudeau
But if it entered your mind
To still be one of those
Better you vote for                                                                       
The devil you know

Eventually there will come a day
Canada's boys club will fade away

Elizabeth May willing to mediate
coalition to topple Stephen Harper
Women in politics are here to stay
Vote for Elizabeth come what May

No way you say
If our choices we weigh 
And we hope and pray
Or get led astray
But somehow bow to feet of clay

Remember then to end division
It's better my friend to have a vision
"More is lost through indecision
Than wrong decision"

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Match Made in Ottawa

Young boy                                                                                
The press misspelled your name 
Then the daggers emerged  
And the guilty assigned blame 
Our leaders dismissed our total and utter shame, 
Canada was once a sanctuary 
With prestige and acclaim 

Seeing young Alan Kurdi on the beach, lain! 
When it's our laser guided missiles 
That are trained 
On targets using CF-18
Jet fighter planes;
It's our bombs showering down   
Like torrential rains, 
Adding to Syria's collective pains;
An ill thought out mission by Conservative brains!                    
A McDonnell Douglas/Boeing 

Many sought the refuge 
That many were denied 
It wasn't by choice 
How little Alan died
For a 3 year old boy, 
For once, 
The whole world cried;
As our leaders tightly clutched,
Their lonely, false pride;                                                                                     
Now the truth cannot be decried,
No camera angle can hide 
Our adult, human eye spied

Only a dead toddler  
Can inspire press fodder!
A dead mother or a brother 
Gets a "why bother"
The press snatch the story 
Then abscond like a robber 
Beat us with it, daily 
On our heads with a clobber 
Their glazed over eyes,
And chins covered in slobber!

Mention housing refugees
Like someone with cat allergies, 
Is bound to break a sneeze 
From the spotlight Harper flees
Like someone cut the cheese
Then he puts on the squeeze 
On those with the loudest pleas!

Mister Harper, please!
You treat people like a disease 
You want the downtrodden 
On their knees 
What the heck's with these, 
Undemocratic, policies?

Immigration Minister 
Mister Christopher Alexander 
Your phallic must be                                                                                                   
A limp salamander;
Your talking points suddenly lost all their candour 
A big thanks to you 
Conservatives look blander
On Mansbridge prime time 
Our PM declined
As a way to save his behind
To allow victims of war crime,
Those fleeing Syria to find 
A home to lay their head 
But really what he said, 
Was he'd much rather instead 
Turn ISIS blood red 

Form a Military Corps
Support protracted war                                                                              
Trudeau takes aim at
government's citizenship
rules during Islamic conference
While you do your best to ignore 
Dead babies washed ashore

Harper wants boots on the ground 
Now how does that sound?                                                      
Was endless revenue found?
It's not so profound
Yet continues to astound

The tired old fight 
For elusive world peace
Taxpayers, still getting fleeced;
Politics in the West                                                              
Hasn't changed in the least 
Promotion of war, refuses to cease

Does Canada want a government, 
Always hitting a foul ball?
Are we Duffy's "kids in short pants down the hall"?
For some, Stephen Harper's words seemed to enthral
For others it didn't mean a damn thing at all!

Stephen Harper explains
 'old-stock Canadians' comment
Harper said of Canadians in the last leaders debate 
There's three stratified categories he could relate; 
Currently in Canada that we know of to date;
I'll make my point soon, 
So just patiently wait!
I think we already know 
Who he considers second rate

Hmm...OK...let's see
In what category could you possibly be?                                                 
So here are the three:
"New, and Existing and Oldstock Canadian"
Which are you?                                                                                                         
Old stock Scot, French, Irish or Brit                                                              
Which Right-wing Strategist
Inspired Harper's 'Old Stock'?
Cracking the coded message
 within Tory leader's
debate comment.
Come on now get with it, 
Maybe you're New-
Syrian, Tamil or Russian Jew 
Or Existing-Black, Polish and Asian too
If you were excluded what can you do?
Our government's not sure where you fit
It would seem in fair old Canada 
There's an ethnicity split!

In any case 
The fact remains 
Canada's Prime Minister 
Is pulling the reins 
Towards total control over our lives 
It'll be Conservative austerity 
If our future survives
We could all get a Greek case                                                                      
Universal drug plan?
Docs say it would save
money, help Canadians

Of the economic hives 
When deeper global recession arrives
When Harper's failed marriage with big oil collides
It'll be like making divorce payments 
To two of his wives!

Canadian society has some really big issues!
Mental health needs more funding 
Not a bloody box of tissues!
Transit in Canada got stuffed in a drawer 
The TTC and Miway are a huge dinosaur                                    
Why are there ballooning police budgets, 
With dropping crime rates?
In a numbers game just nudge it              
Conservatives must fudge it 
Gain our trust, we take the bait                                                   
Canada is officially the fifty first state!

Canada keeps building more super jails
An unproven model that miserably fails!
Conservative policies and spending 
Only ousting them curtails;                                                
This runaway government train
Has gone off the rails!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Our Lives are Insignificant Obstacles to Power

Who's ever in power,                                                          
Paul Martin says
Stephen Harper
is the ‘king of deficits’
Must take the full blame;
Ridicule should find them
Like a moth to a flame:
Today's leadership,
Turned our lives into a game
Parliament play politics,
We get more of the same!

Who do politicians think they're fooling?
"I know you lie,
Cause your lips are moving"
Few are approving, of what you say?
Actions speak louder anyway!                                                                      
Politicians are good liars
'because they convince
 themselves they are
 telling the truth',
 study reveals

Ah yes the diabolical plan;
Is the disaffected voter,
You're a gift to the man
Worse than a floater
One hundred mill' to Japan
Means more cars for Toyota
Or jobs fly south of Dakota

The cost of living is soaring;
With Conservatives ignoring,
Canada's financial pain;
To them that topic is boring;
Has Ottawa gone soft in the brain?
Canada's Feds are snoring;
It's economic terrorism, all the same
Canada's press ain't underscoring
Why our PM's shirking the blame

Over balanced government budgets                                                                
In deep: The high risks of
Canada’s growing
addiction to debt
Canadians pout and fret
But we're mere hypocrites
For carrying high personal debt;
How soon we forget;
When Wall Street bankers,
Hedged their dastardly bet!

If housing prices be any indication
We're in a state of economic threat;
Then record profits
Need condemnation
But it's greater profits,
The chosen few get!
No job from no corporation
If you're green or behind your ears wet!

There's a convenient mechanism,                                                                        
The world this week:
Global economy
has a great fall
Government calls it free trade;
Done under the guise of fairness, open markets and aid
It tells workers to feel lucky,
That you even got paid
Corporate tactics are used
To make top wages fade;
Creating cheap foreign labour, and domestic wage slaves

Moving capital and jobs off of our shores
So manufacturing is drudgery,
For bumpkins and boars;
Like a kiddie allowance
For doing your chores
A cunning little measure used to persuade
Workers to feel fortunate
Instead of betrayed!

A condition better known as Conservative catachresis
Is like calling Intelligence
An outfit named CSIS                              
Because a "socialist" label
Is something that reaches
Conservatives need history lessons
But rather privacy breaches

Students were told
Get an education                                                                                
Get a good job
Pay down good debt
Network and hob knob
We got out of school
Student debt collection to
ramp up, according to
government documents
Documents suggest Harper
government more interested
 in image than dealing with
 student debt, says Bilan Arte
Remaining ever the fool
To find a degree,
No hidden jewel;
But we sure found,
The job environment cruel!

People are forced to forego
Government won't pony up dough!
For vital medication,
Even though,
Uniform coverage
Would cost Canada less to bestow;
On the masses that have
A tough row to hoe
Oh but alas
The press gave Conservatives a pass
They failed to make unaffordable medication,                                                            
Hamilton supports national pharmacare strategy
A voter preoccupation!

Insufficient Fed dollars granted
Conservatives all but abandoned
Big cities transit!
Toronto's half measures
On no front pages splashed
The press let 'em get away
With doing things half-assed!
Why does TTC momentum,
Always run out of gas?
They only halfway adopted
The Presto pass!                                                                                          
Toronto needs transit funding,
 not more talk, from
 Ottawa this federal election

Why is Canada's largest city,
Content in being superficially pretty?
For foreign investment silly!
Isn't it a pity!

People sit for too long in traffic
Rush hour scenes are way too graphic
Canada's payed it lip service for years!
After the vaunted HOV lane, nobody cares
Few people moved by cars is a crying shame
Supporting failed industry is our crying game
While fuel prices fuel our overall pain

Autos are a failed industry                                                                              
A constant public purse drain
Why is corporate welfare,                                                                              
High on the government food chain?
Canadian courts still want jail,
Canadian taxpayers lose
 $3.5-billion on 2009
 bailout of auto firms
For Mary Jane!

Harper and the press
Fear monger about ISIS
While our economic stress
Is Canada's real terror crisis!

Under employment
Is a huge source of annoyment
No available, affordable housing
Another terror that's been arousing

The only real way to kill our jobs                                                                  

Is to vote back in power the same old slobs
Oh heck let's legitimize the wack attack ad!
Who can boast,
The Conservative track record really ain't bad?

Huh? So what if you do?
Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Whatever you're sniffing
Smells like glue!
And don't say you're sniffling, from the flu
Wait till Harper's done runnin' us through!

"Government deficits, by definition, create private sector wealth,
While surpluses drain it"
Why You Should Love Government Deficits
Said John T. Harvey of our fiscal health
Conservatives think only of power for them-self
Wealth is no good by itself
Working poor are filed away,
On government's shelf
The weak dollar makes Canada wimpy like an elf

The only job growth,
We've had in nine years,
Is part time, and precarious
Does that allay your fears?

Do we want a federal government that hordes all the cash?
Isn't that tantamount to a dine and dash?
Running out before paying the bill
Big business tax cuts,
Is a wealthy hand in the till!
When do Canadian's get their tax break fill?                              
Bruce Campbell, executive director
 of the Canadian Centre for
 Policy Alternatives,
says the national think-tank
is "advancing a platform as
 an actionable blueprint
for moving forward.”
Income splitting for most is zero or nil

Truth be known
Conservatives had their chance
Now that it's been blown
Their anti social policies
Is like doing a dance
Another term will only clone
Their lackadaisical stance;
While Canadians are left to suffer alone
In the economic danger zone!

After 10 years of Conservative groan
There's nothing new for Canada to be shown
How Canada’s oilsands are
 paving the way for
driverless trucks —
and the threat of big layoffs
Any other party could run the country
But current food prices,
May see us go hungry!                                                                                            
Canada's a pariah,
On the environmental world stage
Dirty oil keeps us in a carbon cage
All our economic eggs
Stuck in the industrial age,
In a filthy oil sands basket;
A climate disaster away,
From a closed casket!
Cost of living climbing,
StatsCan says
Food prices offset
break at fuel pump