Alan (L), three, his brother Galip, five, and their mother died trying to get to Greece by boat |
Young boy
The press misspelled your name
The press misspelled your name
Then the daggers emerged
And the guilty assigned blame
Our leaders dismissed our total and utter shame,
Canada was once a sanctuary
With prestige and acclaim
Seeing young Alan Kurdi on the beach, lain!
When it's our laser guided missiles
That are trained
On targets using CF-18
Jet fighter planes;
It's our bombs showering down
Like torrential rains,
Adding to Syria's collective pains;
An ill thought out mission by Conservative brains!
A McDonnell Douglas/Boeing
A McDonnell Douglas/Boeing
Many sought the refuge
That many were denied
It wasn't by choice
How little Alan died
For a 3 year old boy,
For once,
The whole world cried;
As our leaders tightly clutched,
Their lonely, false pride;
Now the truth cannot be decried,
No camera angle can hide
Mulcair stands by goal to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to Canada this year |
Our adult, human eye spied
Only a dead toddler
Only a dead toddler
Can inspire press fodder!
A dead mother or a brother
Gets a "why bother"
The press snatch the story
Then abscond like a robber
Beat us with it, daily
On our heads with a clobber
Their glazed over eyes,
And chins covered in slobber!
Mention housing refugees
And Conservatives hack and wheeze
Stephen Harper's Refugee Conundrum Why's the Conservative leader so slow to act on the crisis? Look at his old political base. |
Like someone with cat allergies,
Is bound to break a sneeze
From the spotlight Harper flees
Like someone cut the cheese
Then he puts on the squeeze
On those with the loudest pleas!
Mister Harper, please!
You treat people like a disease
You want the downtrodden
On their knees
What the heck's with these,
Undemocratic, policies?
Immigration Minister
Mister Christopher Alexander
Your phallic must be
A limp salamander;
Your talking points suddenly lost all their candour
A big thanks to you
Conservatives look blander
Nenshi lashes out at Chris Alexander on refugee crisis |
Reading between the lines
On Mansbridge prime time
Our PM declined
As a way to save his behind
To allow victims of war crime,
Those fleeing Syria to find
A home to lay their head
But really what he said,
Was he'd much rather instead
Turn ISIS blood red
Form a Military Corps
Support protracted war
Trudeau takes aim at government's citizenship rules during Islamic conference |
While you do your best to ignore
Dead babies washed ashore
Harper wants boots on the ground
Now how does that sound?
Was endless revenue found?
Was endless revenue found?
It's not so profound
Yet continues to astound
The tired old fight
For elusive world peace
Billionaire Koch brothers are big oil players in Alberta |
Taxpayers, still getting fleeced;
Politics in the West
Hasn't changed in the least
Politics in the West
Hasn't changed in the least
Promotion of war, refuses to cease
Does Canada want a government,
Always hitting a foul ball?
Are we Duffy's "kids in short pants down the hall"?
For some, Stephen Harper's words seemed to enthral
For others it didn't mean a damn thing at all!
Stephen Harper explains 'old-stock Canadians' comment |
There's three stratified categories he could relate;
Currently in Canada that we know of to date;
I'll make my point soon,
So just patiently wait!
I think we already know
Who he considers second rate
Hmm...OK...let's see
In what category could you possibly be?
So here are the three:
"New, and Existing and Oldstock Canadian"
Which are you?
Which are you?
Old stock Scot, French, Irish or Brit
Which Right-wing Strategist Inspired Harper's 'Old Stock'? Cracking the coded message within Tory leader's debate comment. |
Come on now get with it,
Maybe you're New-
Syrian, Tamil or Russian Jew
Or Existing-Black, Polish and Asian too
If you were excluded what can you do?
Our government's not sure where you fit
It would seem in fair old Canada
There's an ethnicity split!
In any case
The fact remains
Canada's Prime Minister
Is pulling the reins
Towards total control over our lives
It'll be Conservative austerity
If our future survives
We could all get a Greek case
Universal drug plan? Docs say it would save money, help Canadians |
Of the economic hives
When deeper global recession arrives
When Harper's failed marriage with big oil collides
It'll be like making divorce payments
To two of his wives!
Canadian society has some really big issues!
Mental health needs more funding
Not a bloody box of tissues!
Transit in Canada got stuffed in a drawer
The TTC and Miway are a huge dinosaur
Why are there ballooning police budgets,
With dropping crime rates?
In a numbers game just nudge it
Private: Conservatives must justify $10-13 billion mega-jail price tag |
Conservatives must fudge it
Gain our trust, we take the bait
Canada is officially the fifty first state!
Canada keeps building more super jails
An unproven model that miserably fails!
Conservative policies and spending
Only ousting them curtails;
This runaway government train
This runaway government train
Has gone off the rails!