Canada's populous province is barely afloat
Ontario the Titanic is like a most famous boat
About to hit an iceberg - that's all she wrote
Jobs are the theme of election day,
Many haven't got one but hey, that's OK
We'll go ahead and cut a hundred thousand more,
So instead of three part time jobs you will need four!
What do you have to say about that?
Vote for Tim Hudak and he'll go to bat
Like a slimmer Rob Ford, he'll trim the fat
A newer Mike Harris, though, more of a rat.
David "Tuna"Tsubouchi |
But you can't hit him up for a loan like dear ol' dad
By the time he saves you money, a degree you could have had
Become an intern or volunteer, it's a Canadian fad!
Remember we're tightening belts, it's not all that bad
Take it in a couple notches you look svelte, just a tad.
Ah but don't worry there's canned tuna in the food bank
Remember David "Tuna" Tsubouchi the useless Tory crank?
He was a Harris MPP holding cabinet rank
He said eat dented cans of tuna, but not as a prank
For 69 cent tuna, you'll have Tsubouchi to thank!
Halt the clock!
When exactly does the belt tightening stop?
Seems every year politicians claim taxes they'll chop
But taxes keep going up more than they drop.
In the mean time our wages just flop.
Hudak will save us money so we can non-stop shop!
You say welfare recipients could do with less pop?
Obesity is caused by poverty, when you can afford only glop
Not even in a million years their place will you swap
When I ate at a soup kitchen, the main course was slop
Just hold your nose when you go out to vote
A new Western custom we can schlep like a tote
We're like America now, we can no longer gloat
Give a slight cough there's a frog in your throat
After we're through cutting the taxes we nail
The feds can take our money to build a better jail
Get yourself an American style, prison-job,locking up blacks!
And you can call that Progressive Conservative or Tory kick backs.
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