Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kathleen's Sin

Kathleen's Sin                                                                    
Original Liberal sin from before she filled in
Our mother who art in heaven
Please find our father and do tell him:

There's people suffering in Ontario
The wealth never trickled down below
To us unfortunates on the lower rung
Some by their neck, gave up and got hung

We have Ontario universities passing fake degrees
They must be fake if there's no job guarantee                              
Swiffer has a money back guarantee
For much less than the price of an Ontario degree
Swiffer will replace your broken sweeper for free

We have a transit company in the TTC
That has put transit back a quarter century
It's user unfriendly and incidentally,
Suffering from management inertia because it's top heavy
And extremely incompatible with every transit entity

We have cities like Mississauga designed for the car
Where everybody drives one and they don't get far
The gridlock problem, is as American as apple pie
The solution is less cars to drive, less cars to buy,
Or fill the transportation void so the car need subsides.

We have a poverty/crime problem in Toronto
A proliferation of guns, gangs and drugs
Yet when you bring up social equity you get blank stares and shrugs
ill conceived government policy created the problem, so who are the real thugs?

Solving the problem is easy, examine what works in a wealthy community.
Has anybody heard of marauding gangs from Forest Hill;
Taking down scores for the pure thrill?                                                          

Are sex workers lining The Bridal Path;
Trying to cop dope to escape withdrawal wrath?
Unwanted pregnancy in Rosedale must be through the roof
Mammoliti got away with slandering Parkdale because it's poor and that's the truth!
Don't act like the symptoms of poverty- crime and addiction, are a mystery
Please Ms. Wynne remove them from our history.

How will Kathleen gain absolution?          
Will she find Ontarian's an amicable solution?                              
There won't be no penance of Our Father or Hail Mary
Actually, quite to the contrary
More sin may be necessary!

Is Kathleen a man in androgynous clothes?
Or will she govern like a tigress, who knows
Politics is a dirty game
The public's fear influenced its aim
The face has changed, but the reality's the same.

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