Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Don't Believe Everything You Fear (Do Away With Federalism!)

All that a savvy political campaigner, really has to do;
is create a catchy or hateful slogan, that is sure to hook you.
George W. Bush said "No Child Left Behind",
and created more victims of inner city crime.

Obama had the sophisticated, "Yes We Can" campaign ad;                                                                     electing a black president, made right wing whites real mad.
Bill Clinton said "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow".
Senior Bush's "A Kinder Gentler Nation" didn't fit with the American motto.

NDP, David Lewis said "Corporate Welfare Bums"!
Harper's "Here For Canada" gave them back their huge sums.
Trudeau asked Canada to "Come Work With Me"
While the Tories used attack ads to elect Brian Mulroney.

The Western political strategist exploits anger, doubt and fear,
they keep the public divided; yet make them think they care.
Tax dollars and corporate money are used for illusory power,
they misuse the public mandate and cause democracy to sour.

No government should ever serve more than 4 years.
That's when they over ripen, like mushy Anjou pears.
Their skin sloughs right off, and their innards go all brown;
when governments expire, their integrity drops way down.

No government should ever be granted a clear mandate rule;
they start to feel entitled and treat the public like their mule.
Government should be watched by dedicated citizen groups.
Don't trust the media to do it, because media are government dupes.

In North America today, federalism is a sham!
Politicians act like rock stars, exuding pomp, glitz and glam.
Take them down a notch, vote to locally empower!
The feds made their beds, strip their pride this hour!

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