Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fiscal Man: The Caped Abator

                                           Michael Keaton
Tim Hudak!
Who dat?
A real Canadian superhero come to trim the fat?

At first glance he looks like Michael Keaton; 
Sure they're both actors,
You decide, which one's the cretin.

Keaton hasn't had a hit since Batman was in season
Hudak never had an original idea within reason
"Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
Every joker wants his moment in the bright spotlight
"This town needs an enema" is right
Will Ontarians find their way through the Dark Knight?

Will Tim Hudak be our caped crusading premier?
Single handedly putting tax cuts in gear.
Holy deficit Hudak!
Back to the Bat Cave at Queens Park,
Time to take Ontarians out of the dark.

Slash and burn is certainly no crime.
Maybe you should cut pensions this time?
Make subduing the evil villain, deficit; job one!
Unwind social programs till they're completely undone!
Like your Ottawa partner the federal Man of Steel
Tell Ontarians only you can give the best deal!

Scare voters into believing the Riddler has a twin
Say your arch nemesis is a Liberal named Kathryn Wynne
Blame Liberal spending for Ontario being in the "fiscal ditch"
But don't tell them your policies only benefits the rich
It's called wedge politics; where its focus you switch,
You make contentious arguments;
With no new ideas,
 and no believable plan
Conservatives pretend to be populists, by hating on the taxman

We've all seen this awful movie before
It always ends badly and makes us more poor
Don't bother with the popcorn it's a real snore
Like Canadian politics and politicians, it's a real bore!

Riddle me this Hudak:
What's big and fat
Pinned to Ontarians back
Has 9 zeros and is just plain wack?

You see, like I said, nothing new here,
Same old capitalizing off all our fear
Liberals and Conservatives both claim to care
And become parodies of each other year after year.

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